The following is a list of all available commands:
help - shows this help.
status - displays basic server statistics.
performance - shows server performance statistics.
forcegc - forced garbage collection.
purge - removes finished threads from thread pools.
memusage - displays memory amounts in JVM.
announce <text> - announces <text> in game.
msg <nick> <text> - Sends a whisper to char <nick> with <text>.
gmchat <text> - Sends a message to all GMs with <text>.
gmlist - lists all gms online.
kick <name> - kick player <name> from server.
shutdown <time> - shuts down server in <time> seconds.
restart <time> - restarts down server in <time> seconds.
abort - aborts shutdown/restart.
give <player> <itemid> <amount>
enchant <player> <itemType> <enchant> (itemType: 1 - Helmet, 2 - Chest, 3 - Gloves, 4 - Feet, 5 - Legs, 6 - Right Hand, 7 - Left Hand, 8 - Left Ear, 9 - Right Ear , 10 - Left Finger, 11 - Right Finger, 12- Necklace, 13 - Underwear, 14 - Back, 15 - Belt, 0 - No Enchant).
extlist - list all loaded extension classes.
extreload <name> - reload and initializes the named extension or all if used without argument.
extinit <name> - initilizes the named extension or all if used without argument.
extunload <name> - unload the named extension or all if used without argument.
debug <cmd> - executes the debug command (see 'help debug').
jail <player> <time> - jails a player named <player> for <time> in seconds.
unjail <player> - unjails a player named <player>.
quit - closes telnet session.